If you find yourself being unable to log in to your account, don't worry! It is likely to be due to the following reason(s):
- You signed in using a different email address.
- You mistyped your email address.
- You mistyped your password.
[Check on the use of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special symbols such a punctuation, as well as spacing.]
If you are still unable to log in, or have forgotten your password, you may choose to Re-set your password by following these steps:
1. At the BrioHR login portal https://app.briohr.com/, click on the 'Forgot Password' link.
2. Enter your account email, and click on the Request password button.
3. Check your email Inbox, for an email with the subject title - "Your password request".
4. Click on the RESET NOW button.
5. Create a new password by entering your New password, and then re-entering your new password to Confirm new password.
- Password must contain at least 8 characters.
- Please include both lowercase and uppercase letters.
- Please include at least one number.
6. Click on the Reset password button.
7. Congratulations! Your password has now been updated, and you may log in to your BrioHR account using the new password accordingly.
If you are unable to view the BrioHR log in page as shown in the screenshots above, or you are prevented from setting up your new BrioHR password, it is likely due to the internal settings by the Tech support of your respective company - such as firewall or other IT enabled measures.
In this case, we would like to advice for you to kindly liaise with the respective IT team of your company, and request for them to unblock the access to the site.
Once the access is enabled, you may follow the above mentioned steps to reset the password to your BrioHR account accordingly.