To create Pre-screening Assessment and Interview Scorecard, go to HR Lounge > Recruitment > Settings. (next to Dashboard)
2. To create :
a) Application pre-assessment, toggle ON the button and click "Add Pre-Assessment" button
b) Interview scorecard, click "Add Scorecard" button
A) Application Pre-Assessment
Pre-assessment forms are additional questions asked to the candidate during his application on your career page. Define here pre-assessment forms and select the relevant one when creating your jobs
You may create specific pre-assessment form for each job vacancy, or have a general one and use it during job vacancy creation.
- Form Name
- Form Description
- Criteria : Choose either,
- Open question: To add any question relevant
- Assessment criteria: To choose list of criteria from the drop-down menu
- Select checkbox if the criteria is mandatory
- +Add question: To add more questions in this form
- Save Form : To create and save this form
B) Interview Scorecard
Interview scorecard is for the interviewer's use. The interviewers will fill in their feedback/comments and rate each of the question in this scorecard and submit.
When selecting an interview stage for a candidate, you can choose which interview scorecard to share with the interviewers.
You may create specific interview scorecard for each job vacancy, or have a general one.
- Form Name
- Form Description
- Questions
- +Add question: To add more questions in this scorecard
- Save Form : To create and save this scorecard