In BrioHR, there are three (3) formula to calculate basis of prorate salary calculations =

  1. Fixed Number of Days
  2. Working Days in Current Calendar Month
  3. All Days in Current Calendar Month.

It's important to know how the daily rate is being calculated for every formula above. 

If you're looking for where to set up basis of prorate salary calculation, please refer here

*Note : The final Overtime Earnings will be rounded to the nearest figure ! 

Fixed Number of Days (Working days following Offices Setting)*

Salary/ (Number of fixed days set in the system) = daily rate. 

Daily rate x number of working days in a month = Prorated Salary


Salary = RM 3000

Prorate Fixed Days set in the System = 26

Join Date = 11 September 2023

No. of Days Employee Worked: 15 days (excluding weekends)*

RM 3000/26 = daily rate = RM 155.3846

RM 155.3846  x 15 days worked = RM 1,730.7692 (this is the prorated salary amount)


The system will calculate an employee's number of working days based on the "working days" set at the Offices' Settings. 

  • If you select 5 days (eg, Mon - Fri), the system will calculate number of working days excluding unselected days. 
  • If you select 7 days (eg, Mon -Sun), the system will calculate number of working days based on selected day

Note : Public Holidays will be captured as working days using this setting.


Working Days in Current Calendar Month (Working days EXCLUDING weekends)*

Salary/(Total days in the month - Total weekends in the month) = daily rate. 

Daily rate x number of days worked in a month = Prorated Salary


Salary = RM 3000

Join Date = 11 September 2023

Working days in September 2023 = 21 days

No. of Days Employee Worked: 15 days (excluding weekends)*

RM 3000 / 21 working days in September 2023 = daily rateRM 142.8571

RM 142.8571  x 15 days worked = RM 2,142.8571 (this is the prorated salary amount) 


The system will calculate an employee's number of working days based on the "working days" set at the Offices' Settings. 

This is ONLY if you choose the formula 'Working days in current calendar month' for the basis of prorate salary calculation.

  • If you select 5 days (eg, Mon - Fri), the system will calculate number of working days excluding unselected days. 
  • If you select 7 days (eg, Mon -Sun), the system will calculate number of working days based on selected days.

 Note : Public Holidays will be captured as working days using this setting.

All Days in Current Calendar Month (All days INCLUDING weekends) 

Salary/ (all days in calendar month) = daily rate. 

Daily rate x number of days worked in a month = Prorated Salary 


Salary = RM 3000

Join Date = 11 September 2023

All days in the month = 30 days

No. of Days Employee Worked: 20 days (including weekends)

RM 3000/30 days = daily rateRM 100.00

RM 100.00  x 20 days worked = RM 2,000.00 (this is the prorated salary amount)