Before applying leave through BrioHR Mobile, please ensure you have downloaded the BrioHR Mobile app from Apple Appstore or Google Playstore.

Once the app has been download, please login as usual

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated

1. Once you have logged in to the mobile app, you will be then directed to the main page. Click on the LEAVES button to proceed.

At the Leaves dashboard, you will be able to view the following information :

a. Leave balance (Current leave balance)

b. Upcoming leave/Pending leave (Upcoming leave and Pending approval )

c. Past leave/Canceled leave (Past leave and leave that has been canceled)

2. To apply a new leave, click +Apply Leave button

3. Choose a leave type (eg, Annual)

4. Click 'Choose date' to select your date application

5. Fill in the following information : 

a. Select the Start Date from the calendar

b. Select the End Date from the calendar

[Note: If you wish to apply for half-day leave, select the 'Half day' checkbox next to the date box. The system will then auto-calculate the number of days you have applied for leave, based on the date and timing selected.]

  • Half day PM: 0.5 day leave in the afternoon
  • Half day AM: 0.5 day in the morning

6. Click 'Choose (X days)' to confirm selection

7. Fill in the following information :

d. Input Justification (if any).

e. Upload Attachment (if any) by selecting the Attachment button.

Click on the Submit request (X days) button to complete the application.

8. Once your leave application has been successfully created, an email notification will be sent to the approver to process your request.

The pending approval leave will appear on the leave dashboard.