New enhancement made for Expense Claims module. As an Admin, you can give permission for employees/claim assignees to perform claim actions (such as create new claim item, approve claims of non-team members) on behalf of other employees. 

This applies if the said assignee has access to HR Lounge > Expense Claims.

Login to your BrioHR account:

1. Go to Settings

2. Navigate to User Groups

3. Choose one user group (eg Manager). Click on pencil icon to edit features accessibility

A pop-out form to Edit User Group will appear.

4. Navigate to HR Modules Permission.

5. Go to Claim Module section.

6. Tick the box of Perform actions on behalf of others to enable it.

7. Click Save once done.

Now you have granted permission for employees of selected user group to perform claim actions on behalf of others in HR Lounge > Expense Claims.