Why do you need to assign yourself as a payroll manager to the payroll center?

As a payroll manager, you have the access to the payroll center of your account, and have the permission to download a company payroll report from our Reports moduleIf you have multiple payroll centers and you want to control specific payroll processors to gain access to specific payroll centers, this is the best way to control it.

Remember, even if you're an account Admin and you do have access to open a payroll center, but if you're NOT a payroll manager, you won't be able to download a Company Payroll Report from the Reports module.

1. Click on the Settings button (only available for Admin User(s) with access to it).

2. Click on the Payroll Centertab.

3. At the Payroll Center you wish to assign the Payroll Manager, click on Edit (green pencil icon).

4. At the Edit payroll center pop-up window, select the PAYROLL MANAGER  from the dropdown list of employees.

5. Click on Submit to complete the action. Otherwise, click Cancel to cancel any modifications made.

NOTE : To remove a Payroll Manager from the Payroll Center, follow the same steps as above, and untick the name, before proceeding to click  Submit to complete the action.