To add, edit or view the salary history of an employee, kindly follow the below steps:

1. Click on People and search for the name of the employee at the Search field. Click on the employee's name to be directed to their Profile.

2. At the employee's Profile, click on the Compensation tab.

3. At the Compensation tab, you will be able to view the employee's salary history, and you may add new salary details to the employee's Profile as well. To add a new salary item, click on the +Add Salary icon.

4. At the Add Salary pop-up window, input all the relevant information. Please take note that the salary effective date cannot be before the employment start date, or after the employment end date. Once you have added the information, click Save to complete the action. Otherwise, click Cancel to cancel the action. 

*NOTE: If the new effective date set is in the middle of the month, the calculation will be prorated in the payroll.

5. Once the new salary details have been added, it will appear at the Compensation tab, together with the previous salary information as follows:

6. To edit the current salary details, hover your mouse over the salary item and click on the Edit icon. You may edit the current salary in the event a mistake was made, or you may add a salary if the employee just had a raise. If it is a newly added salary, it can be set for a future date and will only be effective on the month of the effective date.

7. At the Edit Salary pop-up window, input all the relevant information. Once you have added the information, click Save to complete the action. Otherwise, click Cancel to cancel the action.



1. If a salary item has been added to the payroll cycle, the effective date of the salary CANNOT be modified. Any changes to the effective date of salary, must be made before the payroll is processed.

2. The salary details can only be added/modified at the Compensation tab. At the Payroll tab, you may only view the current salary amount.