1. At HR Lounge, click on Reports.

2. Next, click on Report builder > Company Payroll Report > Create.

*NOTE : If you find that the report is 'locked' and you are unable to access it, kindly check the user group permission settings.

3. Before you proceed to download the report, kindly remember to follow the below steps:

a. Select the Payroll Center.

b. Select the Mode.

(Use the 'Monthly' mode to view monthly payroll report and 'Range' mode to view aggregated payroll report.)

c. Click on the Fields & Filters icon, to include the Identity Documents and General Payroll Information.

4. The Fields & Filters tool allows you to customize your report by including or excluding specific fields, and applying specific filters. 

a. Use the checkbox to include/exclude items from the report.

c. Use the +Add filter action to apply filters to the report.

c. Click on the Apply changes icon to complete the action.

*NOTE: The information appearing under General Payroll Information, will be based on the Payroll Center, and the information appearing under Identity Documents, will be based on the Office location. 

5. Once you have completed the customization, you may choose to click on the Save as icon, to save this customization for all your future reports, before proceeding to click on the Export Report icon to download the customized report in your preferred format (CSV/Excel/PDF).