1. At HR Lounge, click on Employee Leave.

2. Click on Leave Policies, and at the leave type you wish to modify 

3. For example : Annual leave. Click on View leave details.

4. Click on the policy you wish to apply the settings to, and scroll down to the LEAVE ADVANCE SETTINGS column. Here, you are able to set the maximum and minimum limit of time for the leave to be booked in advance.

i. At the 'Set a minimum limit of time for the leave to be booked in advance' field, select 'Yes, set a limit'. Then, input the value and select the period (day/week/month) from the dropdown.

For example, if you set as "7 days", it means the employees must apply leave AT LEAST seven (7) days in advanced. 

If employees to apply leave lesser than 7 days, the system will not allow them to proceed

ii. Similarly, at the 'Set a maximum limit of time for the leave to be booked in advancefield, select 'Yes, set a limit'. Then, input the value and select the period (day/week/month) from the dropdown.

For example, if you set as "2 months", it means the employees are allowed to apply for future date leave MAXIMUM of two (2) months ahead.

Currently, we are in April 2023. If there is an employee who wants to apply for leave on 24 December 2023, the system will not allow it to proceed because the apply date has exceeds the maximum period set.

4. Click Save settings to complete the action and apply the settings.


1. Once these settings are applied, when an employee tries to submit a leave application which is not according to the time period set for the leave to be booked in advance, a warning notification will appear, prompting the employee accordingly of the time period to make the leave application. The employee will not be able to proceed with the leave application.

2. If you wish for to apply this settings only to specific employees, you may do so under the All employees - CUSTOM CONFIGURATION field, by clicking on 'Min Application In Advanceor 'Max Application In Advance'.