*NOTE : The PRS contribution is not enabled by default. The HR Admin must select the organization at both, company level and employee level before processing the payroll.


To enable the PRS organization at company level, follow the below steps :

1. At HR Lounge click on Payroll > Settings.

2. At the REGISTRATION INFORMATION section, scroll down to the Organizations column, and select "PRS" from the dropdown menu.

3. Next, at the CALENDAR section, scroll down to the "Income basis for PRS calculation" column, and choose the applicable payroll items.

4. Then, at the CALENDAR section as well, scroll down to the "HPRS percentage of income" column, and input the percentage amount for the employer's contribution, as shown in the sample screenshot below:

5. Click on the Save icon to complete the action.


To enable the PRS organization at employee level, follow the below steps:

1. At People > Employee List, search for the employee and click on the employee's name, to be navigated to their Profile.

2. Next, at the employee's Profile, click on the Payroll tab. At the Statutory Contributions column, click on the Edit icon.

3. Then, at the "PRS" field, select the applicable option from the dropdown menu.

4. Click on the Save icon to complete the action.

Once the PRS Organization has been enabled, when you process the payroll, the PRS contribution will appear at the Payroll dashboard and employee's Payslip as shown in the sample screenshots below: