The Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions table can be accessed from the employee's Profile, by clicking on the Compensation tab.
Here, the HR/Admin can perform actions such as :
1. View salary, fixed remunerations and deductions
2. Add salary, fixed remunerations and deductions
3. Edit salary, fixed remunerations and deductions
4. Delete salary, fixed remunerations and deductions
To perform the above actions, the user group permission settings must first be enabled.
1. At Settings, click on User Groups.
2. At the HR/Admin user group, click on the Edit icon.
3. You may configure the user group permission access, by clicking on Profile Sensitive Data > Compensation > Change.
View own : The user can view their own Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions information on their Profile.
View your scope : The user can view the Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions information of employees assigned under them/managed office(s).
(Note : The scope of an employee is defined by two elements. In the office configuration, offices where he is assigned as an 'office HR manager' are under his scope. In the 'manager module permissions', employees corresponding to his 'employee profile scope' are under his scope.)
View everyone's : The user can view the Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions information of all employees.
(Note : If you select this, you are giving rights to everyone to see compensation history. Make sure you don’t have sensitive data you don’t want to share.)
Modify own : The user can modify their own Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions information on their Profile.
Modify your scope : The user can modify the Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions information of employees assigned under them/managed office(s).
(Note : The scope of an employee is defined by two elements. In the office configuration, offices where he is assigned as an 'office HR manager' are under his scope. In the 'manager module permissions', employees corresponding to his 'employee profile scope' are under his scope.)
Modify everyone's : The user can modify the Salary, Fixed Remunerations and Deductions information of all employees.
4. Tick the checkboxes applicable and click Save to complete the action.