Upon reimbursing a cash advance request, a distinct claim report labeled "cash advance settlement" will be generated on your My Claim dashboard.
This report enables you to account for each transaction made using the reimbursed cash advance claim request. This report also will determine if you have overuse or underuse the cash advance amount.
1. The amount will show "negative" which means you have extra RM 20.00 yet to be used and recorded in this settlement report.
2. If underused, the system will deduct additional RM 20.00 from your upcoming payroll cycle as a "pay back" to the company because you under utilized the requested cash advance amount.
For example:
- Cash advance request : RM 800.00
- Cash advance utilization: RM 780
- Amount under utilized: - RM 20 (this amount will be deducted in payroll cycle to account for amount underused)
1. The amount will show "positive" which means you have over used/over claimed RM 40.00 in this settlement report.
2. If overused, the system will add an extra RM 40.00 in your upcoming payroll cycle to compensate for the overused amount from initial cash advance request.
For example:
- Cash advance request : RM 800.00
- Cash advance utilization: RM 840
- Amount over utilized: + RM 40 (this amount will be added in payroll cycle to compensate for amount over utilized)