What are the common cases that require you to apply past year's leave in the new year?

1. Medical Leave

You were on medical leave on 28 and 29 December 2023 and you would like to apply in the system once you are back to work on 2 January 2024.

2. Emergency Leave

You were on emergency leave on 29 December 2023 and you would like to apply in the system once you are back to work on 2 January 2024.

There are some common situations whereby you are required to back-date your leave. This article will demonstrate how to do on your 2024 leave dashboard.

1. On Home page, go to My Leave.

2. You will be directed to year 2024 leave dashboard. Click the button +Apply Leave.

3. On pop out 'Apply Leave' window, find "Year" and switch/select year 2023.


You can only apply for the leave types that DO NOT have carry forward such as medical, emergency and unpaid leave. If you would like to apply for a leave that is NOT available in the list (eg, Annual leave), please request help from your HR!

4. Apply leave as usual by selecting the previous year's date and click Submit.

5. On your 2023 Leave Requests Status & History table, you will see the new leave applied.