Within BrioHR, the system provides the capability to incorporate Benefit in Kind payroll items into your payroll, with the added flexibility to hide it from the employee's payslip. 

This feature proves beneficial when you prefer not to display the information on the payslip but still want it included in the comprehensive payroll report.

This article has three (3) parts:

Part A: Enable 'Hide Benefits in Kind' in payroll center's settings

Part B: Ensure the customized Benefit in Kind is configure correctly - for custom BIK only!

Part C: How does it look like?

Part A: Enable 'Hide Benefits in Kind' in payroll center's settings 

Login to BrioHR > HR Lounge > Payroll

1. On the payroll dashboard, go to Settings > General

2. Scroll to the bottom and look for Payslips.

Toggle ON the "Hide Benefits in kind"

3. Save

Part B: Ensure the customized Benefit in Kind is configure correctly

*for custom BIK only!


If the Benefits in Kind pay item you want to add to payroll is a customized pay item, you need to ensure the configuration is set up accurately.

For default BIK, the configurations are pre-set for you.

To check,

1. At the payroll center's Settings > Go to Salary Allocation & Default Items > Click See list of Payroll Items

2. Find the pay item. If it's a custom pay item, you will see the "Edit" icon. Click Edit to check its configuration

2. Look for [Benefit in Kind]. Ensure you have selected "Yes"


Part C: How does it look like?

1. The customized Benefit in Kind (title: Work From Home Devices (BIK)) is added to an employee's June 2023 payroll.

The amount is RM 3,100. This BIK pay item is recorded in June 2023 payroll report and payroll breakdown.

2. After enabling "Hide Benefits in Kind" from payslips in Part (A), the BIK pay item is hidden from the employee's payslip.