Approvers and HR have the ability to view attachments uploaded by employees once claims have been submitted. For optimal display within our system, attachments should be in JPEG, PNG, or PDF formats.

Please note that if an employee uploads an attachment in a format other than the supported ones (e.g., DOCX, XLSX), approvers and HR will not be able to preview it within the system. Instead, they will need to download the file and open it separately.

 Example screenshot below.

For Approver to view the claim attachment, kindly follow the steps below.

1. Navigate to Team > Expense Claims

2. Click on the arrow icon to expand the details

3. Click on View attachment(s)

For HR to view the claim attachment, kindly refer to the steps below.

1. Navigate to HR Lounge > Expense Claims > Claim Request

2. Click on the arrow icon to expand the details

3. Click on View attachment(s)