Our Performance Module software enables Management, HR and Employees to establish and keep track their objectives through a performance cycle, schedule timely catch up to keep up-to-date with the performance status, provide significant feedback to direct reports and peers at the end of performance cycle, assign a suitable employee career development plan and identify high and low performers for company's next action.

The important elements in BrioHR Performance Management Software are:

1. Objective and Key Results for a strategic and aligned within Company, Departmental and Individual, supported with list of Task that helps to archive the objectives.

2. Define a standard performance benchmarks via Competencies that is relevant and measurable to each employee's functionality.

3. Schedule 1 on 1 to discuss timely objective, task and performance progression.

4. Assign employee to provided 360 Degree Feedback and track the response for a better understanding of strengths and weaknesses, especially for managers and leaders, to help in completing the assessment. 

5. Online Appraisal Form to store Manager's feedback and rate the employee's score

6. Set the related Courses and Training list to promote the future employee's career development

7. A comprehensive summary in the Performance Report of the ratings and High-Low performers