You can only create expense claims on behalf of other employees if you are given access to this action by your HR or Admin. 

Login to your BrioHR account:

1. Go to HR Lounge.

2. Navigate to Expense Claims.

3. Go to Claim Request.

4. Click +New claim.

5. Employee field is an additional field. You can choose which employee you want to create expense claims on behalf of from the drop-down menu.

Field with red asterisk (*) are compulsory.

6. Click:

  • Cancel to cancel
  • Save to save new claim and close.
  • Save & Add another to save current claim and create a new one immediately.

7. You have created a new claim report on behalf of others.

  • Status Open indicates the report is yet to be submitted. 
    • You (and the employee) can still add more claims in the same report.
  • Click Submit once finalized.