The first step, would be to know the total number of leave balance that the employee has accumulated upon resignation. This can be done by utilizing the Leave Balance Report tool, at the Leave Module.

To know more on how to download this report, kindly click on the below link:

How to download the Leave Balance Report for all employees in the company?


Next, you would need to calculate the encashment amount, based on the company's formula/policies.


Once you have the encashment amount, you may input the value in the Payroll, by following the below steps:

1. Click on HR Lounge > Payroll.

2. At the resigned employee's payroll, select +Add Addition > Select Addition Type : "Remuneration" > Select Allowance Type : "Leave Pay" > Input amount.

3. Finally, proceed to process the payroll as usual, by completing Step 2 (Review & Confirm) and Step 3 (Payment & Submission). For more information on how to run a Payroll cycle, kindly click on the below link: 

How to run a Payroll cycle?