This new feature, allows a HR User the option delete the record of Approved, Pending and Cancelled (Rejected) leave applications.
*NOTE : If you choose to delete the leave application, the leave record will be permanently deleted from the system.
1. To delete a record of the leave application, click on the See details icon.
2. Next, at the Leave Details pop-up window, click on the Delete leave icon.
3. At the pop-up notification window, click Yes to proceed to delete the leave record.
The difference between Modify leave, Cancel leave, and Delete leave are as follows :
Modify leave :
To make modifications to the leave application. The leave record will still remain in the system.
Cancel leave :
To reject a leave application. The leave record will still remain in the system, with the status displayed as "Cancelled".
Click here for how to cancel leave
Delete leave :
To permanently delete a leave record from the system. This is a one time action and cannot be reversed.