By default, only the Core Competencies which are applicable to all employees within the company, will be displayed. To enable competencies at Department level, or according to Job Title, follow the below steps.

*NOTE : The steps mentioned below are applicable to both, Department Competencies and Job Title Competencies. The example shown below is for Department Competencies. You may use the same steps to enable competencies according to Job Title as well. 

1. At HR Lounge, click on Employee Performance.

2. At the Performance dashboard, click on Competency. Click on the toggle to enable the Department Competency.

*NOTE : Enabling Department Competencies will affect ongoing appraisals -

a. Choose "Enable (without dispatch)" if you would like to enable the competencies without affecting the ongoing performance cycle.

b. Choose "Enable (with dispatch)" to include the competencies in the ongoing performance cycle.

3. Next, add the competencies by selecting the department from the dropdown menu, and click on the "+" icon.

*NOTE : If there are no Department Competencies added, the system will assume the Core Competencies as 100% weightage, just for the department which has been selected. Similarly, for Job Title Competencies, if there are no Job Title Competencies added, the system will assume the Core Competencies as 100% weightage just for Job Title that has been selected.

4. At the Add Department Competency pop-up window, input all the relevant information. Tick the "Dispatch into current open cycle" checkbox, if you would like to apply the competency to the ongoing performance cycleTake note, this action will affect ongoing appraisals that have not been submitted.

If you would like to disable the Department Competencies, click on the toggle.

*NOTE : Disabling Department Competencies will affect ongoing appraisals -

a. Choose "Disable (without dispatch)" if you would like to disable the competencies without affecting the ongoing performance cycle.

b. Choose "Disable (with dispatch)" to apply the modifications to the ongoing appraisals.

Below, is a sample screenshot of the Competency dashboard, if both the Department Competencies and Job Title Competencies have been enabled :