There are two ways to set a claim threshold under the Claim Policies, which will be applied differently based on the type of settings selected :
A. Approval For Non-grouped Claims/Claim Group : Applied to approval workflow of claims that are Non-grouped Claims or Claim Group (based on the selection at Approval page), and for employees that don't have a custom approval workflow.
B. Custom Approval Workflow For Employee : Applied to approval workflow of claims for employees that have custom approval workflow.
New Feature: Enable threshold at report level.
Previously, the claim threshold referred to the amount of each individual claim item in the report to determine if approval from the approver was necessary. Now, you have the option to set the threshold to refer to the total amount of the entire claim report instead of individual claim items. This can be enabled by selecting the Threshold type when creating the threshold.
- Transaction Level - This threshold will apply only if one or several claim transactions are over the amount set below
- Report Level - This threshold will apply if the total claim report’s amount is over the amount set below
A. Approval For Non-grouped Claims/Claim Group :
1. At HR Lounge, click on Expense Claims.
2. Go to Claim Policies and click on the policy name..
3. Go to Approval.
4. Clicked on the Edit button for Non-grouped Claims/Claim Group.
5. Click on + Create Workflow.
6. To set the threshold for an Approver, tick the Enable threshold check box.
7. Select Threshold type
- Transaction Level - This threshold will apply only if one or several claim transactions are over the amount set below
- Report Level - This threshold will apply if the total claim report’s amount is over the amount set below
8. Input the Amount and select the Offices.
*NOTE : To add more than one threshold, click on the "+Add Rule" icon.
9. Fill in all other details such as Workflow Name and Click on Create button to complete the action.
10. Select this approval workflow and Confirm selection.
*NOTE : Once a threshold rule has been set for an approver, the approval workflow for that approver will only apply when the claim exceeds the threshold. For any claim reports that are below the threshold amount, the claim report will be automatically approved without having to go through that approver for approval.
Example 1 : 1st Approver threshold set for RM 1000 with transaction level.
i. One or more of the Claim Item amount in the claim report is more than RM 1000 : The claim report will have to be approved by the 1st Approver.
ii. One or more of the Claim Item amount in the claim report is less than RM 1000 : The claim report will be auto approved, or flow to the 2nd Approver (if any).
Example 2 : 1st Approver threshold set for RM 1000 with report level.
i. Claim report amount is more than RM 1000 : The claim report will have to be approved by the 1st Approver.
ii. Claim report amount is less than RM 1000 : The claim report will be auto approved, or flow to the 2nd Approver (if any).
**TAKE NOTE ALSO that the threshold will be applied only for the selected office. For example, if you set a RM1000 threshold for the Kuala Lumpur office, an employee from Johor Bahru office that submits a RM1000 claim, will NOT trigger the threshold.
Hence, when setting up a custom threshold for an employee, ensure that the employee is part of the office selected.
B. Custom Approval Workflow For Employee :
1. At HR Lounge, click on Expense Claims.
2. Go to Claim Policies and click on the policy name.
3. Go to Approval.
4. Click on + Create custom approval for Non-grouped Claims/Claim Group.
5. Choose the approver and click on + Create threshold.
6. Select Threshold type
- Transaction Level - This threshold will apply only if one or several claim transactions are over the amount set below
- Report Level - This threshold will apply if the total claim report’s amount is over the amount set below
7. At the pop-up window, input the Amount and select the Offices.
*NOTE : To add more than one threshold, click on the "+Add Rule" icon.
8. Click on Save to complete the action.
*NOTE : Once a threshold rule has been set for an approver, the approval workflow for that approver will only apply when the claim exceeds the threshold. For any claim reports that are below the threshold amount, the claim report will be automatically approved without having to go through that approver for approval.
Example 1 : 1st Approver threshold set for RM 1000 with transaction level.
i. One or more of the Claim Item amount in the claim report is more than RM 1000 : The claim report will have to be approved by the 1st Approver.
ii. One or more of the Claim Item amount in the claim report is less than RM 1000 : The claim report will be auto approved, or flow to the 2nd Approver (if any).
Example 2 : 1st Approver threshold set for RM 1000 with report level.
i. Claim report amount is more than RM 1000 : The claim report will have to be approved by the 1st Approver.
ii. Claim report amount is less than RM 1000 : The claim report will be auto approved, or flow to the 2nd Approver (if any).
**TAKE NOTE ALSO that the threshold will be applied only for the selected office. For example, if you set a RM1000 threshold for the Kuala Lumpur office, an employee from Johor Bahru office that submits a RM1000 claim, will NOT trigger the threshold.
Hence, when setting up a custom threshold for an employee, ensure that the employee is part of the office selected.
9. Choose the employee to apply the custom approval workflow, tick the checkbox at left hand side and click on Apply customization.
The modifications will not apply to claim reports that were submitted before the changes were made. To apply the modifications, the claim report must be re-opened and then submitted again.
For claim reports that are open or yet to be submitted, the modifications will apply accordingly.