As a HR Admin with access to modify leave policy settings in your account, you can certainly make relevant changes from your end.

Some of common modifications made to the leave policy settings are =

  1. Edit the entitlement days for the specific leave policy
  2. Edit the policy availability
  3. Edit leave approver. For details, please click this article
  4. Edit the proration mode
  5. Edit the Carry Forward setup and enable/disable it
  6. Custom configuration - customizing the leave policy setting for specific individuals assign to that specific leave policy
  7. And more.

This tutorial is going to show you how to modify the leave policy settings by changing the entitlement days for Maternity Leave. Even though the tutorial shows for Maternity Leave, but the concept works the same for other leave types too.

To get started with modifying your leave policy settings =

  1. Go to HR Lounge
  2. Choose Leave module
  3. Go to Leave Policies
  4. Find which leave type you want to modify (Eg, Maternity)
  5. Click on View leave details

If you are looking for how to do custom configuration for a specific employee within a leave policy, please refer to this article:

How to setup leave custom configuration?