This feature allows you to open permission for all employees to edit certain segments on their profile which will undergo the HR approval before it can be reflected on their profile.

For example, 

  • You allowed all employees to edit their Profile's personal details such as address, phone number and marital status.

  • However, any changes from the employees MUST go through HR approval before the latest changes is updated in the profile.

  • Hence, you need to enable the Profile Change Request function BEFORE you open access for employees to edit their personal details.

For Admins: 

  • Do ensure that Profile Change Request has been enabled in Admin Settings (Gear Icon at top right) prior to set up. 
  • Click here for a detailed guide on How to enable profile change request? (Video)

To access Profile Change Request: 

1. Go to HR Lounge

2. Click on Profile Change Request button

3. At the Profile Change Request, go to Request List 

Here is where HR/Admins will be able to view all pending Profile Change Requests and see details of the changes submitted by employee. 

There is the option to filter the submitted requests by Employee Name/ID, Sections on the employee profile, and status.

To view the details of the submitted profile change request, click on ‘See Details’ in green

4. At the Profile Change Request, go to Settings

a) Under the Approver List section

You may select  the person(s) that will be the approver for the profile change requests. The request, along with the details  will appear in the selected employee/approver’s pending task list - to be approved or rejected

b) Under the Profile Section 

You may decide which Profile section requires approval or supporting document by toggling the switch to enable/disable it.

This section is divided into two parts: Profile Sensitive Data and Profile Non-Sensitive Data

Require Approval: If enabled, when an employee modifies his profile data, approval will be required according to the setting to validate the change requested

Require Supporting Documents: 
If enabled, when an employee modifies his profile data, approval will be required according to the settings to validate the change requested

Note:  Modify own must be enabled under User Group Settings > Profile Sensitive/Non-sensitive data for employees in order for them to submit profile change requests for approval

From Employee's Point of View, when submitting a profile change request :

The section on the employee’s profile will not yet reflect the changes until it is approved, in the meantime, while awaiting approval, the section on the employee profile page will indicate that it is

From Approver's Point of View, once Profile Change Request has been submitted by employee: 


From here, Approvers will be able to select Reject/Approve/Dismiss the submitted request :

  • Click Approve button to approve request
  • Click Reject button to reject request
  • Click Dismiss Request to ignore the request and mark it as "dismissed"