The moment you have set employment end date of an employee, his account status will change from 'Active' to 'Inactive' once it has passed the resignation date.

  • For how to set an employee's resignation date in his profile, please refer to this article.
  • For how to find/view resigned employee's profile, please refer to this article

A) For Admin : Restore Account Status from Settings 

1. Go to Settings

2. Go to Users

3. Search for the employee's name

4. Click the ellipsis (3 dots) icon

5. Select 
'Restore Employee'

6. The account status changes from 'Inactive' to 'Active'

B) For HR : Restore Account Status from HR Lounge

1. Go to HR Lounge

2. Search for the employee's name in the Search box

3. Filter status to 'Inactive'

4. Click the ellipsis (3 dots) icon

5. Select 
'Restore Employee'

6. The account status 'Inactive' has been removed