Discover the latest impactful enhancements to our Performance module with this insightful video guide. We've introduced several exciting features designed to elevate your experience with setting and tracking objectives. Let's delve into these enhancements that redefine the way you manage performance objectives!

This video will share in depth about the features below:

1) Non-Rated Objectives for Enhanced Flexibility
Non-rated objectives allow employees to create personal objectives without the need to add weightage. These non-rated objectives, however, will not be included in the Appraisal.
Note: If the User Group settings do not allow employees to edit the objectives weightage after employees create their own objectives, then the employees can ONLY create Non-Rated Objectives in the system, that do not have weightage. These types of objectives will not be included in the Appraisal.

2) Objectives Beyond 100%
Employees can now set and achieve objectives that go beyond the traditional 100% mark, providing a more realistic and dynamic representation of their accomplishments. 

3) Seamless Confirmation with the 'Confirm Objectives' Button
Managers can now effortlessly confirm objectives, and a prominent banner ensures that this crucial information is unmistakably displayed. This streamlined process enhances communication and clarity in the confirmation of objectives.

4) Objective Progress Tracking with Key Results Updates

Employees can update the progress of their objectives, and these changes are meticulously tracked in the Activity tab. This feature fosters real-time collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding goal achievement.

5) Visualize Progress with Objectives Graph
Gain deeper insights into your accomplishments. After filling in the progress details, employees can visualize their journey through a graph that tracks and captures the progress of their objectives.

6) Precision in Feedback: Comments Linked to Key Results and Qualitative Goals

Comments can now be linked directly to individual Key Results and Qualitative Goals, offering a more granular and focused avenue for feedback and discussion.

7) Effortless Management with Cancelled Objectives
Maintain a clutter-free Objectives page. Cancelled Objectives are now seamlessly removed from the main view, providing a cleaner interface. However, users can always 'Include Cancelled Objectives' when needed, ensuring accessibility to historical data. (Note: Cancelled objectives will not be included in the Appraisal).