In this tutorial, we'll showcase the newest improvement to the Performance module: rating rounding. With this feature, you have the flexibility to precisely define the label for the score rating given to your employees.

You have the option to either round down or round up the labeling, particularly when the score falls in the middle range.

By default, any rating scores that are :

1. Less 0.5 (<0.5), for example, 3.4, 3.3, the rating label follows one level below (eg, Meet expectations)

2. Equal, or above 0.5 (>= 0.5), for example, 3.5,3.6, the rating label follows one level above (eg, Above expectations)

However, there are companies practice any score falls in the middle range between two (2) ratings, the label should follow one level below (round down), or follow one level above (round up).

Note: The rating rounding is for rounding down or round up the labelling, and NOT rounding the rating scores!

For better illustration, let's take an example of an employee name Vanessa.

Her overall rating is 3.7 / 5 and this score falls in the middle range between Rate 3 and Rate 4. 

1. If choose "Nearest", the rating label will follow the default, that is 'Above expectations' - as explained above.

2. If choose "Round down", the rating label will follow one level below, that is 'Meet expectations' as per Rate 3 - refer to Image 1 and Image 2

3. If choose "Round up", the rating label will follow one level above, that is 'Above expectations' as per Rate 4 - refer Image 1 and Image 3

Image 1: This image illustrates how the rating rounding for rating's label work for 3 different options (round up, round down, nearest)

Image 2: This image illustrates how the rating rounding of "Round down" works for score that falls in the middle range.

Image 3: This image illustrates how the rating rounding of "Round up" works for score that falls in the middle range

For more information of how to set this rating round, please watch this video: