What is Per Day Allowance?

For expenses that are based on daily rates, eg: Per Diem. Employees will need to key in the relevant dates while submitting the claim.

Latest update: Allow edit number of days

When creating or modifying a claim type, the option to "Allow edit number of days" can be enabled. This allows employees and HR to modify the calculated number of days for a claim, even if it does not align with the selected start and end dates.

For instance, if the start date is July 15, 2024, and the end date is July 17, 2024, the system calculates the duration as 3 days. With the "Allow edit number of days" option enabled, users can adjust this duration from 3 days to another whole number. 

It is important to note that the number of days must be a complete day, and decimals, such as 1.5 days, are not allowed. The total amount will be updated based on the newly input number of days. Please be aware that the number of days can only be modified through the web browser.

New update: Start/End Time

"Start/End Time" is available to enable when creating/modify the claim type. Employees are required to fill in the Start/End Time when adding a claim if this is enabled. Kindly note that the time will not affect the calculation for the total amount, the calculation will based on the date selected instead.

How to create a claim type that uses the expense type: Per Day Allowance?

1. Go to HR Lounge > Expense Claims.

2. Go to Claim Types.

3. Click on + Create claim type button to create a new claim type.

4. In the Basic Configuration form, select Per Day Allowance and choose the Allowance Currency.

  • Use office currency: Follow the currency as per the country of your office.
  • Set fixed currency: Decide the overseas currency that applies to all the offices.

5. Input the Rate per Day for each offices. Select the currency for all offices if selected Set fixed currency.

6. Tick the checkbox for Start/End Time required if necessary. 

7. Fill in other details in the forms and Save once done.

Important note

  • Kindly update BrioHR mobile app via apps store to be able to submit this claim type via mobile app.

Update for Set fixed currency Claim Type:

  • Claim limit will follows the currency (eg. USD) that you have set instead of follow the office's currency (eg. MYR). 
  • System will convert the amount with oversea currency (eg. USD) to the amount with office's currency (eg. MYR) if you have pair the currencies and set the fix exchange rate. You may refer to the article for more information about currencies exchange rate.
  • If no currencies exchange rate that have been set, employee will required to manually input the amount to Total amount (office currency). 

Employee View when adding a new claim request that uses expense type: Per Day Allowance.

  1. The employee will need to input the Start date and End date then the system will auto calculate the number of days and the total amount for the claim request below.


1. Use office currency

2. Set fixed currency

Mobile App:

1. Use office currency

2. Set fixed currency