Configure settings for your Expense Claims module. The configuration applies to all employees without any customization setup.
Login to your BrioHR account:
1. Go to HR Lounge.
2. Navigate to Expense Claims.
You’ll be directed to Expense Claims landing page.
3. Go to Settings.
4. On this page, follow these steps to set up:
- Set cut off date
- Set transaction date validity (optional)
- Choose who’ll be the claim assignees (optional; applicable only if you include position HR and/or finance in the approval workflow)
- Set Payroll Connection (optional; applicable only if you want to process claim amount together with salary and it should be paid during monthly payroll process)
a. Cut off Date
- You can set your company's cutoff date for every month. Commonly, the HR will process any claims submitted after the cutoff date on the next claims cycle
b. Transaction date validity
- This is to set the months that claim's transaction date is valid. Claim's transaction date that exceed the valid period here cannot be keyed in during claim submission.
For example;
- Valid month : 2 months
-Today's date @ claim creation date: 22 Aug 2023
If I have a meal claim transaction date on 15 February 2023 that I forgot to claim and I want to add into my claim report today, the system won't allow me to select dates in February on 'Transaction Date' field because it has exceeds 2 months' validity period based on today's date.
c. Claim Assignees (optional; applicable only if you include position HR and/or finance in the approval workflow)
- Select who are the employees under HR and Finance that are responsible as claim approvers. These claim assignees must have access to HR Lounge > Claim Dashboard in order to approve/reject submitted claims.
- For how to grant claim assignees access to HR Lounge > Claim Dashboard, please refer here
d. Payroll Connection - refer here for how to connect claims to payroll module
- This is the default linked payroll item for every claim type.
- The items in this list corresponds to all payroll items under the [Reimbursement] category in the payroll module.
- This is applicable if you want to send approved claim amount to the payroll cycle and wants to be processed together in the salary month
5. Once done with the settings, click Save Settings