As a HR, you can download the employee's payroll files such as payslip, PCB II form, EA Form and CP22 Form. You can also open the employee's tax information from the payroll center dashboard.

*NOTE : If you wish to download payroll documents for resigned or change payroll center employees, please scroll to the bottom on how to look for resigned employee's name, or employees who have changed the payroll center

To get started, login to your BrioHR account, click on the HR Lounge,

1. Select Payroll

2. You will be directed to the Payroll dashboard, 

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the Payroll employees list. At the Payroll employees list section, you will be able to view a list of all the employees. Search for the Name/ID of the employee,

4.  Select an action from the Actions dropdown list. 

A) To download the employee's Payslip, follow these steps:

1. Select Payslips from the Actions dropdown list.

2. Select the Payroll period and click Download to download the PDF copy of the employee's payslip, or click Send Payslip to email it to the employee

B) To view the employee's Tax Information, follow these steps:

1. Select Tax Information from the Actions dropdown list.

2. You will be directed to the employee's profile, where you will be able to view the employee's Payroll information.

C) To download the employee's PCB II Form, follow these steps:

1. Select PCB II from the Actions dropdown list.

2. Select the Year from the dropdown listchoose PCB2 Form Date and click on Generate to download the PDF copy of the employee's PCB II Form.  

D)To download the employee's EA Form, follow these steps:

1. Select EA from the Actions dropdown list.

2. Select the Year, EA form date and Language from the dropdown and click on Generate to download the PDF copy of the employee's EA Form. 

E)To download the employee's CP22 Form, follow these steps:

1. Select CP22 from the Actions dropdown list. 

2. Fill in the empty fields on this pop-out window and click on Generate to download the PDF copy of the employee's CP22 Form

For more reading material, please refer to this article

How to Find Resigned or Change Payroll Center Employees?

To find the name of resigned or change payroll center employees at the Payroll employees list section, filter the status to "Inactive". 

The system will display only employee who have resigned from the company, or have change the payroll center.

More articles :

1. How to generate CP21 Form?

2. How to generate CP22A Form?